Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Final: Part 1

                   When my parents and I were on our way to the pick up my brother from school, we got into a car accident.

                    It was only my parents and I in the truck. It was around 5:30 p.m., so the sun was barely setting. My brother at that time went to Emerson Middle school in Century City. We were about 5 minutes away from the school when the accident occurred. 
                    The lady who hit us missed a stop sign, and crashed the back of my dad's truck. No one in my dad's truck was injured, but I was really scared.
                    The lady who hit us had a three-year old boy in the car. The boy had a few cuts and bruises, but his mom was severely injured. The lady was bleeding from her head, and had cuts and bruises. The ambulance had to come to take the lady to the hospital.
                     I remember hearing the little boy cry. The police would try to calm him down, but it wouldn't work. The boy calmed down when father showed up too the scene.

                    While my parents and I were on our way home, I was just thinking about the boy. I put myself in his shoes, and I imagined my parents being taken away by the ambulance. This accident was probably really traumatizing for the boy. The accident for me wasn't as traumatizing. I just felt really bad that someone was injured. 

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